Table of Contents
Special Issue: Representing and Narrating Flight, Refugeeism, and Asylum
Cecile Sandten, Chemnitz University of Technology
Caroline Koegler, University of Muenster
Hayatte Lakraa, LDI CNRS-7187 Research Center, Paris
Kanishka Chowdhury, University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, MN
Lidia De Michelis, Università degli Studi, Milan
Cecile Sandten, Chemnitz University of Technology
Janet Mary Wilson, University of Northampton
Poetry, Fiction, Drama
Where is the Jungle?
Babak Inaloo
Escape; A Prayer for Hell; They Do Not Know the Hands
Olivier Vanderaa
Memory of Recent AVANGARDA, Does it Spell ‘Resistance’? - A Personal Vignette
Nina Živančević, University Paris 1-Panthéon-Sorbonne
Active Activist Performing Action , "" ""; SYRIAN Dark, Very Dark but still a SONG…
Nina Živančević, University Paris 1-Panthéon-Sorbonne
Book Reviews
Review of Bombay Modern: Arun Kolatkar and Bilingual Literary Culture by Anjali Nerlekar
Graziano Krätli, Yale University
Review of Critique of Black Reason by Achille Mbembe
Hannah Grayson, University of St Andrews